Saturday 16 June 2007

The Face of Chess Evil

Hello Loyal Ones,

My preparations are going splendidly! I managed to beat a computer on a medium setting twice last night!!

I thought you might like to see a picture of my Chess Nemesis so that if you should happen to pass him in the street, see him kicking a small puppy, or threatening senior citizens with a broken bottle - you can tell him his days of chess dominance are numbered and that I am onto his fianchetto opening!

Chess Nemesis

Be on the lookout for Chess Nemesis. He is likely to be found in the following places....
  • Making unusual wagers in Victorian gentlemen's clubs
  • Laughing menacingly while making a getaway in a hot air balloon
  • Demolishing orphanages
  • Masturbating in churches
But fear not - I, The Mighty and Benevolent Chris, shall be victorious and rid the world of this evil chess playing butt monkey!

Incidentally - I completely own him at squash!

Remain viligilant,
The Mighty and Benevolent Chris

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