Sunday 13 May 2007

My Manifesto for World Domination......

Greetings Citizen,

I am the Mighty and Benevolent Chris. It is my intention to plan and implement a complete takeover of the planet and install myself as the supreme ruler!

I should perhaps point out that I don't intend being an evil ruler or to take over by evil or violent means. While I am certainly no saint, I don't have any ambitions to enslave the human race and make you all work in salt mines - far from it in fact. I intend to issue decrees that will benefit the whole of the human race because the way I see it there are a lot of things that need sorting out! On the flip side of that, I should also mention that I'm no tree hugging, sandal wearing, hippy flower-meister either. Any disobedience to my rule will be dealt with in bizarre and unnecessarily unusual ways!!!

Over the course of this blog, I will be updating you (my future loyal subjects) on my progress towards world domination and sharing my thoughts and future policies on such issues as crime, politics, religion, breakfast cereals, italian restaurants, and coat hangers.

Although as Supreme Ruler of the World I will obviously have the final say on absolutely everything, I am also happy to (sometimes) listen to suggestions from the populace. If I like them then they get made law, if not then.... I dunno yet, maybe whoever suggested it has to wear a silly hat for a week or something - I'll have to have a think about that. The point is that while I am more than capable of entirely ruling the planet, it might be more fun if all you little people joined in and came up with some ideas too. I'll probably be forming some sort of global government at some point so I'll need some like minded geniuses (not evil!) to join me. I'll be handing out titles and honours etc so it's probably best to get on my good side early!

Anyway, thats pretty much an outline of what is going to be happening here. I suggest you keep up to date, you don't want to be out of the loop when the revolution comes do you?

Until next time my faithful minions,
The Mighty and Benevolent Chris.

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