Monday 14 May 2007

My First Decree

Good Evening Citizens,

It is I, the Mighty and Benevolent Chris, here to issue my first global decree!

Don't Mondays suck? That first day back at work. Mondays are so bad they even spoil Sundays! You can't properly enjoy Sunday because you know that Monday is on its way!

I also feel that it is unfair that we only have a two day weekend. Seven days in a week, five working and two resting. That's not right is it? Even if it was four days working and three days resting it would still be unfair, but it would be much better.

So - with all this in mind I am pleased to unveil......... (fanfare)

The Introduction of "Chrisday"
In order to address the imbalance of the 5:2 work/rest ratio of the current week, we will be moving to a 4:3 week. Mondays will be done away with and a new day, Chrisday, will be introduced to the week.

A working week will now run as follows
  • Tuesday (work)
  • Wednesday (work)
  • Thursday (work)
  • Friday (work)
  • Saturday (weekend)
  • Chrisday (weekend)
  • Sunday (weekend)

The decision to place Chrisday between Saturday and Sunday was so that the General Population can REALLY enjoy Chrisday, since you will have a day off before and a day off after!

Further to the introduction of Chrisday, I am ruling that work on a Tuesday must not start before 10.30am - just so that Sunday isn't quite so spoilt by the thought of going back to work on Tuesday. At least you can have a little lie in!

I hope that all makes sense. I know there will be a few of you who will wonder about the loss of productivity etc - well don't. Have faith in your Magnificent and Wonderous Leader - I've got it covered, but we'll save that for another time.

Until next time - Hail Me!

Supreme Generalissimo Chris

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