Saturday 1 September 2007

The Human Rights People Are Gonna Hate This!

Ok - the bleeding hearts out there are gonna hate this (probably) but there you go - I'm the boss and I'm gonna be making the rules!

No more animal testing - for anything!

As you have probably figured out already, I am something of an animal lover. I hate the thought of animals suffering for any reason, but especially for the sake of "research". But I am also something of a scientist, and understand the need for testing of new medicines and drugs etc etc.

"Then what is the solution oh mighty future leader of the world?" I hear you cry!

Well why should we make these poor innocent animals suffer when we have prisons full of rapists, murderers, and paedophiles? So when I take over, they will be taking over the testing duties.

Harsh? Yes it probably is. But then again how is this for a deal? Don't murder, rape or be a paedophile and then I won't send you to be tortured in the name of science. Fair enough? I think it is a fair deal.

Of course there will be safeguards to make sure that only the most deserving go for testing. People will of course need to be proved guilty beyond all doubt etc and in certain circumstances people may not be sent - the person who kills their abuser after years of abuse for example.

So apart from a very few exceptions that is going to be the new rule - and Amnesty International can go screw themselves in this instance. Normally I am a great admirer of their work, but as far as I am concerned, people forfeit their human rights when they commit these types of crimes!

I'm sorry if I come across as the bad guy this time, but there is some complete scumbags in this wonderful world of ours and they need putting straight - and we don't need to experiment on innocent animals either.

Pip pip,
Chris the Punisher

A Change of Lifestyle

Hello my Lovelies,

I happened to visit my parents the other day and while I was there I informed them that I have made rather a big change to my lifestyle and I wanted to tell them about it. That's right - I have gone vegetarian!!!!

Well, I use that term loosely because the purists among will perhaps rightly say that I am not in fact vegetarian at all due to the fact I am still eating fish. Let me explain the rationale behind it all.

What I object to is how the animals are killed. I don't like the thought of mechanised abatoirs where animals get to see and hear what is happening to those in front of them knowing their fate is to be the same. That to me is just wrong. Animals should not have to have that experience. I agree that it is natural for humans to eat animals, and if we went out and hunted for food then fair enough, but we don't do we! Animals are born and raised on farms and their fate is sealed.

And that is why I will still eat fish!

The way I see it, fish at least have a sporting chance as to whether or not they get caught and eaten - and by the way, no I'm not eating farmed fish!

On the same token, maybe I will eat wild game. They also have a sporting chance, and if they have been shot then it's a quick kill with no fear or anticipation.

I have said right from the start, I'm not going to be completely strict about this and I'm not saying that I will NEVER eat meat again, but for the time being I'm sticking to this new regime. It's gotta be healthier for me anyway - more fruit and veg and more fish!

I'm not going to impose a ban on meat or anything like that, you all have every right to eat what you like. However, I will appeal to your sense of fair play and better judgements to make the correct choices.

We all eat to much meat anyway!

I need to legislate!

No animal that is killed for food will be subjected to fear or suffering. Death must be instantaneous and in no way expected or anticipated.

Until next time - mine's a veggie burger,
Chris the Sweetly Fragrant