Tuesday 31 July 2007


Hello All!

Sorry for the long gap in communications! This is due to a number of mitigating circumstances but chiefly due to the fact that my PC broke! It was a simple broken CPU fan, but then the guy in the repair shop accidentally "stabbed" the mother board with his screwdriver and then suddenly there were all sorts of problems - none of which he wanted to admit that he caused!!!!

After giving him a stern talking to and showing that we were not to be fobbed off, he replaced the motherboard at his expense and we all lived happily ever after. Unfortunately this meant I was sans PC for a while.

So did you miss me..........?

Much has happened this month. I have changed jobs (yes, as demeaning as it may be for the future ruler of the world to have a job, world domination requires funding - and we all have bills to pay after all!). The new job is much more agreeable than the last, which is kind of the reason for changing!

Sad news however - I was defeated by Chess Nemesis in a best of five chess match! I don't want to make excuses but suffice to say it was an impromptu match and I played far from my best (blunder after blunder after blunder), still credit where credit is due - he won. This shall not stand however, and a rematch is pending. The more I learn about chess the more I find there is to learn. I'm trying not to get carried away with it all, but I have since purchased several books on the subject. I think learning everything there is to know on the subject will take a lifetime, so I have to be reasonable and decide when I know enough to vanquish my Nemesis once and for all.

Besides, I can't dedicate my time entirely to the study of chess - I have a planet to take over.

So anyway, sorry again for leaving you so long. I promise I won't let it happen again. I'm back now so watch this space.

Pip pip!
The Mighty and Benevolent Chris

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